Wednesday 27 February 2019

How to plan a romantic dinner for two

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Arranging dinner for two may seem very easy. I want to share with you today a few tips on how to plan the perfect and romantic dinner for the two of you.

The impression matters
Send your man a handwritten invitation. Don't forget about the date, time, place and dress code. Let him be well prepared (and you don't want him to eat before the dinner) so don't make big surprises. Simply tell him that you would love to take him/ make him a delicious meal.

The right meal

Ask him about his favourite dish. You could also look for 'love recipes' which have some tastes your man loves. They say through the stomach to heart. Making him (= you're actually cooking) a dinner will mean a lot to him.


Depending on what theme you want to create, the dress code should follow. You should look like a million dollars by the way. It will add some extra character to your evening. Let him desire you! Prepare everything beforehand so you won't get distracted later on when you're together. Check if and what alcohol he fancies. If he insists on helping you out with cooking, let him do so (it's great foreplay).

The ambience

Set up candles and little lamps around the room, door and window frames. Let's make it cosy! If you're planning an early dinner, close the shutters or curtains. When choosing candles, make sure that these are scent-free. Strong fragrances can destroy the taste of the food. Set up some music in the background and ensure that the room you're about to dine is well cleaned and tidied up.


Setting up the table

Use real table clothes instead of paper napkins. Make sure they are clean and fresh. On every serviette, you can put on a ring with some flowers or some other decor.

Let this evening be without any disturbance and distractions. You can sprinkle the table with some glitter. A big glass vase with water and floating candles and flower petals may be a great idea

If the dinner leads to the bedroom, make sure that the bed sheets are fresh, clean and crisp; you can spread flower petals on the bed and floor and lighten up some candles.

How do you arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved one?

All photo's and pictures come from the Web 

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