Wednesday 27 February 2019

How to become an elegant woman?

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Being elegant is above all knowing yourself. To get to know yourself, you need some 'me' time to think about it.

True elegance begins inside
Every one of us knows someone who is elegant. It's a woman who has it all, from the inside out. A sophisticated woman is full of charm, has good manners and dresses up very classy. True elegance goes beyond the appearance though.

A great example of real elegance is Audrey Hepburn. She inspired the fashion world how to be classy and elegant every day.

Elegant confidence is presented by your inside (your heart and personality) and your outside (the way you look, walk, dress).

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It begins inside
An elegant woman is full of charm, and it never leaves her. Such a woman never pushes anybody when using public transport. It has nothing to do with the way you look actually but rather, how you treat people. If you only wear classy outfits but look down on people, you'll live in denial.

How to become an elegant and charming lady?
Love, respect and appreciate people around you. Treat everyone the same despite their social status, level of education, race, nationality. Never save your best manners for a specific group of people. Be sincerely interested in others. Instead of talking about yourself, let others talk about themselves and just listen.

Being elegant means being yourself
There is nothing wrong with wearing brands. Elegance goes far beyond fashion designers and eloquent talks. Your real character will come out in a stressful situation when you are angry or under pressure.

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We all think we know ourselves, but only a few do. We show off with things that may make the impression of class and elegance. We try very hard! It just enriches the outside but not your personality.

To feel confident, know yourself.

Many women struggle with low self-esteem, self-confidence and dignity. Being elegant is being authentic. It means discovering who you indeed are, your talents, passions, hobbies, interests, aspirations and dreams.

1. Take some time and think of what you genuinely like and dislike
2. What are your strengths, dreams and talents?
3. What do you do the whole time? How do you spend your time? - that's your passion
4. What's within your reach today? What can you change today? Look for opportunities around.

By discovering your passions, we get rid of all the clutter that's inside of us. We improve ourselves to reach our highest potential.

Your passion is something that you proud of. To be true to yourself, you have to be authentic. That's when you're at your best. Focus on others. These are the roots of real elegance, beauty and charm.

And that's just the beginning.

What are you passionate about?

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