Wednesday 27 February 2019

Become a woman you want to be

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If you're an attractive woman (and trust me, yes, you are), you should leave the mainstream thinking and restrain from any stereotypes of womanhood. Instead, raise your eyes and start asking for more in life.

 A woman must never settle for less than she desires. Always ask for more from and for yourself! Your dreams should become your inspiration to do something in life. If you're clever and bright, you'll follow my advice and start learning (whatever that means). Think of raising your intellectual level and developing yourself in the desired area. It's not only about the appearance but also about your inner beauty.

Be ready for becoming the woman you always wanted to be.

Image result for be the first version of yourself

Create a vision on how to achieve the goal of becoming the best version of yourself. Discover the good and not-so-good sides of your personality, habits, talents. Start slowly eliminating the negative aspects of your character and strengthen the good ones.

Go through your whole life: health, intellect, emotions, spirituality and answer these two questions:

What kind of knowledge, skills, attributes and attitude do I have right now that can help me achieve my goals and dreams?

What kind of new traits or skills do I have to acquire to achieve my goals and my dreams?

Find your passion and live it - that's how you find yourself

Never criticize anyone or look down on people, including yourself

Don't avoid real life by being engaged with some banal and prosaic issues - gossips, trashy TV shows, pathetic articles on the Internet or in the newspapers. What you put into your mind, you will be becoming in the future. Beautify your mind.

Image result for Mabel hale quote

Be true to yourself and live this way. To live like a real woman, it will require loads of self-discipline.

Have a mission. Immune yourself to the small talks of negative friends, dishonest colleagues and wrong men.

Don't disgrace or humiliate yourself by a lack of manners and class, bad reputation (sexual fame is always infamy), extravagant and provocating clothing

It's high time to become a woman full of qualities, charm, grace and class; a woman that you want to become

Who is your inspiration to become a woman you truly want to be?

All pictures and photos come from the Web

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