Wednesday 27 February 2019

Eat beautiful part II

Problem: Wrinkles

What to eat: Fatty fish
In order to keep your skin looking young, you have to provide your body with a sufficient amount of acids omega-3. These acids are responsible for nurturing your skin from the inside out, prevent dehydration and dryness and also boost the production of collagen. If you don't fancy fish, you can go for walnuts or flaxseeds.

Image result for fatty fish

Problem: Bags under eyes
What to eat: Avocado

Swollen areas under your eyes may be caused by water that is stored in your body. Try to reduce the intake of salt in your diet and switch it to eating avocado. Avocado is full of healthy fats and generates smooth, soft and firm skin. It also reduces any types of skin inflammations.

Image result for avocado

Problem: Acne

What to eat: Garlic
Garlic is beneficial both for your heart and your face skin. It is a natural antibiotic, cleanses your blood and boosts your immune system. Some garlic will definitely help fighting acne; it eliminates any types of inflammations

Problem: Pale skin
What to eat: sea food

A pale skin may be a sign of anemia - shortage of iron and vit. B12. Opt for sea food in such case

Problem: Weak and fragile nails
What to eat: Eggs

Vitamin B7 will boost the hardness of your nails. It's also important to keep zinc and iron on the right level. Eggs are a great source of building blocks.

Do you have any tips on how to fight beauty issues with the right food?

All pictures and photos come from the Web

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