Wednesday 27 February 2019

Eat beautiful part I

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If you're tired of spending massive amounts of money on cosmetics and treatments and still don't see much results, it's high time to start EATING BEAUTIFUL

Check my favourite 10 snacks that can help you solve your struggles with your skin and hair problems.

Problem: Weak and thin hair
What to eat: Grains

Eat grains like brown rice and oats that are rich in vitamin B (particularly B7). These grains are also the source of silica (it prevents breaking your hair) and zinc (shortage of zinc may lead to losing hair). Keep a variety of grain in your diet to keep your hair strong and shiny.

Problem: Dark circles under eyes 

What to eat: Spinach

Reasons for shadows under your eyes can be many, starting with your DNA and ending with tiredness. The most common root of this problem is weak blood circulation. If that's the case, you need more vit. K and C will boost your blood flow and strengthen the veins. Vegetables with dark green leaves such as spinach are full of nutritious ingredients.

Image result for spinach

Problem: Dry skin
What to eat: Nuts and grains

Nuts and grains are rich in vitamin E which keep the level of hydration in your body high. Flax seeds and walnuts also contain omega-3

Problem: Stains on your teeth
What to eat: Crunchy vegetables and fruit
In order to have your teeth perfectly white, you have to keep the hygiene in your mouth on the highest level (brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using the dental floss, visiting your dentist regularly), avoid smoking and reduce the amount of coffee you drink. Apples, celery and carrots will help you with whitening your teeth. 

Image result for vegetables and fruits

Problem: Chapped Lips
What to eat: yoghurt and (oaty) smoothie

Chapped lips aren't just a sign of cold weather. if it happens regularly, you may have a shortage of vitamin B. This vitamin keeps your skin in the right condition. Try eating more of oatmeal and yoghurt

Image result for yoghurt

What are your tricks to boost your natural beauty? 

All pictures and photos come from the Web

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